Introducing: Piña Antiques & Collectibles

For as long as I can remember, I've loved antiques. It probably started because of my Nanaw who had such an eclectic collection of knick-knacks. She had teacups and saucers, music boxes, teddy bears, Taco Bell chihuahuas and wooden animals, and many other things that I'm sure weren't even on my radar as I was only a child. I started accumulating all kinds of random whimsical things and when I was a teenager, my mom said that my room looked like a garage sale. (Thinking back, I can't disagree with her.) I just LOVED pretty things but I didn't know how to put them together in a way that actually looked good.

Image result for chinoiserie ginger jar

Now that I'm a grown woman with a place of my own, I think I have a little better of a handle on it, but let's be real, who would notice my decor with all the toys strewn about? (#momlife) I still can spot a treasure when I see one, and I'm constantly tempted to buy all kinds of gorgeous collectibles that I don't have room for in my 800 sqft condo. So...

I created Piña Antiques and Collectibles! An online antique and vintage shop where all the items are curated by me. I'll be searching for and collecting beautiful accessories for your home throughout the week and giving you sneak peeks on Instagram stories. Then, weekly or bi-weekly I'll host a flash sale where you can purchase the items I've selected. We're going to start small and the first sale won't be until late February, but I will definitely be posting sneak peeks on Instagram stories and tons of decor inspiration on my feed. I'd love for you to join me on the gram in the mean time. Just click the pic below! See you over there?

xoxo- Rachel

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