50 Sweet Notes to Make Your Partner Feel Valued

 I'm sure I don't have to tell you this, and this is definitely a generalization, but men are wired so much differently than women. You know the whole "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" thing? It's that! 

Where women tend to feel most loved when receiving physical affection and words of affirmation, men really need to feel respected, valued and appreciated in order to thrive. It can be so difficult to prioritize filling each other's cups when dealing with everyday life. I know in my life, there are always kids to shuttle around, chores to do, appointments to attend, church services to play at and that's all on top of Gil's full time job and the businesses I run from home! Often times we don't get a lot of extra time to just love on each other and check in because we are so tired at the end of the night. 

But, something sweet I've started doing is leaving my husband short little notes around the house. On the bathroom mirror, on his coffee machine, wherever really! The point is, he sees a note with something sweet on it and hopefully he feels valued and gets a reminder of just how much I appreciate him. 

Showing up for your partner in this cute little way can truly be transformative in a relationship. No matter what else is going on, they know that you're considering them, thinking about them, and that you see the work they put in for your family, whether that be working a 9-5 job, or being the point parent. Tell them you love 'em! 

If this sounds like something you'd like to incorporate into your day to day, here are 50 ideas for sweet notes you can leave for your spouse. 

  • You make every day better just by being in it.
  • I'm so lucky to have you by my side.
  • Thank you for always being my rock.
  • You looked so handsome today.
  • I'm so proud of the man you are.
  • Life with you is my favorite adventure.
  • Thank you for showing up for us.
  • You're the best thing that's ever happened to me.
  • I love the way you love me.
  • You are my forever and always.
  • Your smile brightens up my world.
  • I appreciate all the little things you do.
  • You are my safe place.
  • I fall in love with you more each day.
  • Thank you for making me laugh.
  • You make our home feel so warm and cozy.
  • I’m so grateful to share this life with you.
  • You make my heart skip a beat.
  • You’re the reason I believe in love.
  • I love the way you take care of our family.
  • You are my best friend and my greatest love.
  • Thank you for being my partner in crime.
  • I can’t imagine my life without you.
  • You make every moment special.
  • I love how thoughtful you are.
  • You’re my favorite person in the whole world.
  • Thank you for always being my shoulder to cry on.
  • You’re the reason I smile every day.
  • I love the way you look at me.
  • You make me feel so loved and cherished.
  • I appreciate how hard you work for us.
  • I am so grateful you chose me.
  • You are my dream come true.
  • I love waking up next to you every morning.
  • You are an incredible provider.
  • Thank you for being my greatest support.
  • I’m so proud to call you mine.
  • You have a heart of gold, and I adore that about you.
  • You make me feel like the luckiest person alive.
  • I love the life we’ve built together.
  • You are my anchor in this crazy world.
  • I’m so grateful for your love and kindness.
  • You are my everything.
  • I love you more than words can express.
  • Thank you for always making me feel special.
  • You are the best part of my day.
  • I cherish every moment we spend together, even when life gets busy.
  • You are my one and only.
  • I can’t wait to grow old with you.
  • I love you more every day.

    Let me know if you do this!

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